Wholesale Dress Manufacturer

Buy Ladies Dress in Bulk From China

Presenting variety in women’s clothing, Hangzhou Garment is your go-to destination for chic dresses fitting various fashion trends. As a wholesale manufacturer, we apply our control over production to reduce prices and make our dresses more affordable on your end.

We meet a variety of needs for women, fitting mini to maxi sizes, as well as different occasions such as weddings and proms. Applying the latest manufacturing technologies, we are capable of realizing large volume dress customized to your specifications, from different sizes and patterns to colors and materials. With years of experience, our designers can bring your brand’s creativity to life.

Women’s Dresses By Length

Women’s Dresses
By Occasion

فوائد لتاجر الجملة

Our access to reliable suppliers helps ensure that our dresses are delivered at wholesale prices, which saves costs for your business operations.

موك منخفض من 100

Our MOQ policy can help you get orders that are manageable for your budget while ensuring they fit within your expected profit margins.

سعر تنافسى

Thanks to our control over production and mature supply chain, we help reduce excess production costs for larger volumes to come more affordably.

أخذ العينات السريعة

To save time during the manufacturing process, we provide you with samples that reflect our work for you to check ahead of mass production.

سلامة ما بعد البيع

We confront any quality issue by ensuring after-sales safety, such as replacing damaged products with quality-tested replacements quickly.

مخصصة بالكامل لعملك

تصميم خاص

From our years of experience and market research, we provide you with custom options for size, مواد, and designs. We do not limit ourselves to common styles and can diversify the look of your dress to appeal to your particular market’s needs.

اختيار النسيج

Located within Guangzhou, our factory has easy access to premium fabrics that are fit for a variety of dresses. Our fabrics are processed and customized to ensure they match your desired pattern while withstanding the elements to maintain their quality appearance.

علامة خاصة

When you want to promote your brand throughout your region, we can always embed your logo through our variety of manufacturing and customization techniques. Anyone that sees your logo and matches the pattern of our dresses will know your brand’s eye for quality and cement their loyalty.

التعبئة والتغليف

Through our stable supply chain, we receive durable, recyclable packaging materials that can help secure dresses together. To boost your marketing identity, we also include unique patterns and logos to attract your audience to your brand’s quality.

Your Ultimate Custom Dress Manufacturer in China

تجربة غنية في تصميم الملابس

ل 10 سنين, we have worked with leading brands and designers to bring out various custom dresses in different styles.

فهم اتجاه سوق الملابس

We go to the local markets to understand what your audience needs, resulting in over 100 styles per season to match demands.

تقنيات الإنتاج

With advanced manufacturing techniques, we produce dresses in diversified patterns and fit readily when worn.

توفير الوقت, توفير المال

A mature supply chain and production control help us meet deadlines while reducing production costs.

Dress Manufacturing At a Glance

fabric cards
شراء النسيج
Being close to China’s largest textile market in Guangzhou enables us to procure a variety of fabrics from different suppliers. To maintain our quality consistency, we only choose trusted suppliers whose fabrics meet our strict standards and auditing process.
Fabric Inspection2
فحص النسيج
Incoming fabrics are brought to the factory for a series of inspections to see how well the fabrics hold up to different conditions. We only use fabrics that are made resilient and can be neatly cut into our pattern for the dress.
Pattern Making3
صنع نمط
Our pattern designer understands how you want your dress to look and attract audiences. Patterns are made based on our size charts to fit with different customer measurements while also ensuring your design is feasible.
قطع & Sewing4
قطع & خياطة
Our cutting team neatly divides fabrics into parts to be sewn together into our dresses that follow the outlined patterns. With advanced sewing machines, we neatly form dresses without any creases or defects, giving an overall clean and fit look.
Screen Process5
عملية الشاشة
Processing involves providing additional parts, such as hardware and trim, to make the design look better, as well as embroidery and the inclusion of tags. We apply a variety of artistic elements to help make the dress stand out on the shelf.
رقابة جودة 6
رقابة جودة
In every step, our QC team conducts many levels of inspections to prevent any defects ahead of the delivery schedule. From our color control to fabric testing, we ensure only premium quality dresses are consistently delivered to help maintain your stable supply.
Garment Ironing7
كي الملابس
Through our ironing process, we prevent wrinkling to preserve the fabric quality and maintain the beauty of our dresses. Our steam iron beds can easily smooth every corner without doing harm to any part of the dress and make our garments ready to send.
workers inspecting products
تعبئة الملابس
For fast delivery, our team carefully organizes and packages your orders within our tight, protective packaging. Before delivery, we check the garments for any defects and guarantee their safe delivery through careful packaging and sealing.

شراء النسيج

فحص النسيج

صنع نمط

قطع & خياطة

عملية الشاشة

رقابة جودة

كي الملابس

تعبئة الملابس

How Do We Ensure Women’s Dress Quality?

التحكم في اللون: لضمان تناسق الألوان, نستخدم أحدث الصناديق الضوئية للتحقق من العيوب في كل مرحلة.

عرض القماش: سمك الأقمشة لدينا يحدد انتقال الحرارة وسهولة وضع الأنماط على سطح الفستان.

وزن القماش: نتأكد من أن الفستان ليس ثقيلًا أو خفيفًا جدًا وأن لدينا الكمية المناسبة من القماش المطلوب.

انكماش النسيج: نحن نتجنب أي تدهور في جودة القماش من خلال وضع أقمشتنا تحت حلول مختلفة لضمان سلامتها.

Women’s Dress Manufacturing FAQ

What influences the costs of dress in China?

Chinese manufacturers will consider labor, material, قماش, print colors and custom features, which can help when manufacturers will consider lowering prices.

How do Chinese manufacturers control the quality of dresses?

Manufacturers will apply the strictest care given to maintaining the quality of their skirts in order to reach international markets. QC teams apply the latest technology in identifying defects on the fabric, cut parts, color and the overall garment. Double-checking during inspections guarantees that defective products never make it into delivery.

Will my designs given to Chinese manufacturers be used by my competitors?

No. Chinese manufacturers value honesty in their transactions through non-disclosure agreements and other manufacturing contracts to ensure your intellectual property is protected from unwarranted replication.