Wholesale Blouses Manufacturer

Custom Women’s Blouses in Bulk From China

A looser upper garment than the dress, our blouses are worn for regular outings and give greater comfort around the waist and hips. Als solche, we prioritize comfort and easy fitting when we produce our blouses while combining with trendy fashion styles in our designs.

To meet the demands of wholesalers and fashion designers, we provide a selection of custom options that consider sizes, as well as styles that align with your specific market’s preferences. Within our one-stop factory, we control the flow of production to ensure we deliver blouses at affordable prices while maintaining consistent quality in every step.

Vorteile für Großhändler

Our access to reliable suppliers helps ensure that our blouses are delivered at wholesale prices, Das spart Kosten für Ihren Geschäftsbetrieb.

Niedrige MOQ von 100

Low order requirements are optimal for you to sell more quickly and arrange a big order in the future.

Wettbewerbsfähiger Preis

Buying factory prices in bulk saves you more and earns you a decent profit selling at an affordable price.

Schnelle Probenahme

With quick sampling, you will receive the first run faster, giving you a first-hand experience of our quality products.

Sicherheit nach dem Verkauf

Products can be damaged in transit or unsatisfied with your work. We will be there to assist with your issue.

Vollständig auf Ihr Unternehmen zugeschnitten

Maßgefertigtes Design

Collaborate with our experts and design your custom ladies' blouses with a wide selection of designs per season. Attention to detail is given to each section of the blouse, with our designers offering a fresh and innovative take on the latest styles the market has to offer.


Strategically located in Guangzhou province, our factory is accessible to the most delicate fabrics and the best accessories. Have your ladies’ blouse designs in the most delicate fabrics and vibrant colors as we provide high-quality materials. We use the latest production line to ensure the highest standards to produce your custom ladies’ blouses.

Private Label

Offering a collection of packaging options from the minimalist to the flamboyant package best represents your brand and the product you are selling. Formats in the logo placements and added information about the size and color of the ladies’ trousers are fully customizable in font style and size.


Wir stellen sicher, dass alle Ihre Verpackungsanforderungen bis ins Detail konsequent umgesetzt werden. Von der Auswahl der bevorzugten Materialien bis zur Platzierung der richtigen Drucke, Wir helfen Ihnen bei der Herstellung beeindruckender Verpackungen, die die Qualität Ihrer maßgeschneiderten Röcke ergänzen.

Your Ultimate Custom Blouses Manufacturer in China

Umfangreiche Erfahrung im Bekleidungsdesign

13 years in the industry has honed our people and experts in designing the best ladies' blouses in the market.

Erfassen Sie den Trend des Bekleidungsmarktes

Having the experience and owning 100 styles per season, we are always in the loop of what’s in and new.


We ensure high quality standards and adopt the latest production techniques and practices that increase output with excellent quality.

Zeit sparen, Geld sparen

With factory price and fast delivery, our products are delivered quickly so you can start right away.

Kleiderherstellung auf einen Blick

fabric cards
Hangzhou Garment factory is located near the largest textile market, gaining access to the finest and best variety of fabrics. With this advantage, we possess the capacity to source any material and start production in record time.
Fabric Inspection2
It is vital for us to give the finest quality materials, with sophisticated machines and experts that inspect every square inch. Ensuring the raw materials are in perfect state with no defects and durable to go through production and wear.
Pattern Making3
Efficiency is crucial in pattern making to maximize every square inch with modern techniques. We ensure every piece is well laid out, patterns strategically placed with a small allowance to avoid waste and precise cuts.
Schneiden & Sewing4
Schneiden & Nähen
A garment requires an average of 1000+ stitches. We ensure every stitch is carefully sewn and secured. Every worker in our factory is specialized in a specific part of the garment, with highly skilled individuals taking time to create a dress with precision detail.
Screen Process5
Sobald die Stoffe zugeschnitten und zusammengenäht sind, Die Röcke werden zur Detailierung an unser Druckteam weitergeleitet. Siebdruck ermöglicht Ihrem Design eine höhere Qualität bei gleichzeitiger Beibehaltung der Haltbarkeit. Mehrere fachkundige Teammitglieder übernehmen die Aufgabe des Siebdrucks Ihrer gewählten Arrangements.
Qualitätskontrolle 6
Inspection is done in every step of production, from the fabric quality and pattern placement to the final product. Guaranteeing quality work following strict standards, our garments are stylish and durable and will last a long time.
Garment Ironing7
Bügeln von Kleidungsstücken
The final product is then professionally ironed for the best presentation before it is packed and shipped to your store. We make sure you receive your orders ready to wear and be sold to your customers.
workers inspecting products
Meticulously packing the product to avoid damage takes excellent care. As we prepare it for transport, our people inspect for any flaws in the packing that may compromise the order, with the assurance that your order is in pristine condition.




Schneiden & Nähen



Bügeln von Kleidungsstücken


How Do We Ensure Blouses Quality?

Farbkontrolle: Um die Farbkonsistenz sicherzustellen, Wir verwenden modernste Leuchtkästen, um Mängel in jeder Phase zu überprüfen.
Stoffbreite: The thickness of our fabrics determines the heat transfer and ease of putting patterns on the blouse surface.
Stoffgewicht: Wir achten darauf, dass das Kleid nicht zu schwer oder zu leicht ist und dass wir die richtige Stoffmenge haben, die wir benötigen.
Stoffschrumpfung: Wir vermeiden eine Verschlechterung der Stoffqualität, indem wir unsere Stoffe verschiedenen Lösungen unterziehen, um ihre Integrität sicherzustellen.

Häufig gestellte Fragen zur Herstellung von Damenkleidern

How much is the minimum order?

The minimum order starts at 100 pieces for simple custom designs.

What fabrics do you have?

Materials may vary from chiffon, cotton fabric, Leinen, Seide, Polyester, and more.

How much is a sample?

Samples are generally free. You will only pay for the raw materials and express fee for the delivery.

Can I customize my blouses?

Ja! You can choose from a hundred seasonal designs to make your trendy ladies’ blouses.

What are my options in design?

You can check our design or customize your chosen blouse’s dimensions, design, and fabric.