Celebramos el Dragon Boat Festival

Junio 10, 2024

Damos gran importancia a proporcionar un buen ambiente de trabajo a nuestros empleados y ofrecerles oportunidades para relajarse., so that they can be well engaged in their work, so as to achieve a better work productivity. Celebrating festival with staff is one of the ways to create a good atmosphere for staff.

Dragon Boat Festival is a traditional Chinese holiday which falls on the fifth day of the fifth lunar monthwhich is in late May or June on the Gregorian calendar.

No Dragon Boat Festival is complete without zongzi, pyramid-shaped glutinous rice dumplings wrapped in bamboo leaves. We gather to make zongzi together on this day. These savory or sweet treats are filled with a variety of ingredients such as sticky rice, pork, mushrooms, beans, and so on.


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Celebramos el Dragon Boat Festival

Junio 10, 2024 Damos gran importancia a proporcionar un buen ambiente de trabajo a nuestros empleados y ofrecerles oportunidades para relajarse., entonces

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