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What’s New

Be up to date with our latest designs of blazers developed by our expert designers based on modern trends.

Get in Touch with HANGZHOU

Talk to our expert consultants today and see how our extensive industry experience and strong production capabilities meet your diverse market demands.

Benefits for Wholesaler

As our mature supply network helps us gain more materials, we can produce large volumes of blazers at lower the cost.

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Our MOQ policy gives you more flexibility in making orders as we consider your purchases based on your requirements.


Premium blazers made with high-end fabrics are made at factory price for you to easily distribute and save up on expenses.

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Through our efficient machinery, we can make sample blazers, whether customized or standard, quicker than our peers to help move the production process along.


Our warranty policy covers replacing blazers damaged in transit or those that have not met your requirements, ensuring consistent quality deliveries.

Fully Customized for Your Business

Custom Design

Eye Catching and trendy, our blazer design is customized to make your ideas match with market trends within and outside your region. You can realize any design through our variety of custom options, all made through our experience with different projects.

Fabric Selection

In Guangzhou, we always have a constant supply of fabrics and test them to ensure every material we possess has great durability and aesthetic appeal. Through our mature supply chain, we identify the proper fabrics to meet your design, budget and other requirements.

Private Label

A bespoke logo can make your brand more recognizable through the quality blazers you sell. Our team can help you build your marketing identity based on your brand’s message and our capability to turn your words into attractive imagery.


Using durable packaging, we can protect your blazer orders while on transit. We make sure the materials we use can withstand long travels while appearing clean and easy to customize, which can help draw customer attention.